
KnowledgeSquare is a network of experienced business insight consultants, academics, and subject matter experts. We are at the intersection of information technology, business insights, data connections and knowledge management.

Our focus is partnering with clients to determine the best possible solution to their marketing issues and then researching the best possible solutions. Rather than limit ourselves to primary market research, we focus on integrating and transforming disparate data streams (online surveys, secondary research, social media and enterprise systems) into powerful actionable and meaningful business insights for better decisions.

We strive for excellence and are always available, eager to bridge the gap between the consumer and businesses with in-depth consumer understanding and a delightful project implementation  experience. We make ourselves readily available and will always do what’s in the best interest of our Clients.


Why us?

Thought Leadership

Cost-effective Solutions


Global Capabilities

Faster Turnaround

Advanced analytics

Price Efficient


Our Mission

To enable clients deliver quantifiable business results through robust smart data analytics and actionable insights.

Our Values

Fairness | Integrity | Respect | Sincerity | Transparency
